Things Anisa Likes

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hundred Pushups

Today's featured item is this website. It puts forth a plan to get you to do 100 consecutive pushups within six weeks. Since I am particularly pathetic, I have been doing girly (knee) pushups rather than the normal ones. I just did the test between weeks 5 and 6 and I did 100! Yay!

If you know me, you know that this is a pretty impressive thing. I have wimpy sad arms. When I started, I was only able to do 16 consecutive girly pushups. And look where I am now! Very exciting.

My plan is to do week 6 (I did the 100 pushups, but I think I could do them a little better) and then start all over with week 1 and real pushups. Meanwhile, my roommates are just now embarking on week 3 and are at 30 or so.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Umbrella Today?

Umbrella Today appears to be the only short-term weather forecast I will ever need. It's pretty amazing. You can also program it to text you on days when you will need an umbrella. Check it out.

I have to go find an umbrella now.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sarah Haskins

This woman is hilariously funny. Check out her video about Sarah Palin. All the other Target Women videos are also really funny. You can get to them by searching on the above site.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

this beautiful tweedy yarn

I love this yarn. Jo Sharp Silk Road Aran Tweed. It's beautiful, soft, basically delightful in every way. I mean look at that. 85% wool, 10% silk, 5% cashmere. That's just enough silk and cashmere to take that wool from good to delicious. I'm making a Central Park Hoodie out of it, in the Jewel colorway. It's delightful.

Things I don't like about this yarn include the fact that Queensland Kathmandu Aran Tweed is apparently the exact same yarn, but priced a little cheaper, and with a little different color selection. I don't know what the deal is, but I would like to see Jo Sharp priced cheaper, or Queensland in better colors. But all in all, I'm really liking this yarn. At some point I may take pictures of this hoodie. Check it out at my knitting blog.

Other things I like include Chrome. I've only been playing with it for about a day, but it seems to work nicely. We'll see if I continue to like it.