Things Anisa Likes

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

this beautiful tweedy yarn

I love this yarn. Jo Sharp Silk Road Aran Tweed. It's beautiful, soft, basically delightful in every way. I mean look at that. 85% wool, 10% silk, 5% cashmere. That's just enough silk and cashmere to take that wool from good to delicious. I'm making a Central Park Hoodie out of it, in the Jewel colorway. It's delightful.

Things I don't like about this yarn include the fact that Queensland Kathmandu Aran Tweed is apparently the exact same yarn, but priced a little cheaper, and with a little different color selection. I don't know what the deal is, but I would like to see Jo Sharp priced cheaper, or Queensland in better colors. But all in all, I'm really liking this yarn. At some point I may take pictures of this hoodie. Check it out at my knitting blog.

Other things I like include Chrome. I've only been playing with it for about a day, but it seems to work nicely. We'll see if I continue to like it.


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